Minggu, 22 Januari 2023

Check out 7 Tips for Building a Portfolio!

A portfolio is a collection of materials that demonstrate our work experience and skills to potential clients and employers. Portfolios are also often referred to as “work portfolios”, “professional portfolios”, or “work portfolios”.

1. Understand Your Audience

You need to know and understand who will see your portfolio. Make sure to arrange it according to the needs.

2. Show Your Best Work

If you already have a lot of work, choose the best work to include in your portfolio. This will make you stand out and make a great impression on recruiters.

3. Use a Consistent Design

This is important. To ensure your portfolio is visually appealing, create a consistent design from start to finish. Make sure to use the same template, and choose a professional template.

4. Use language that is clear, concise and easy to understand

Make sure the recruiter understands what we want to convey. Therefore, in including writing in your portfolio, you should use clear, easy-to-understand language and not be long-winded in conveying the message.

5. High Quality Images and Videos

If you create a portfolio with lots of pictures and videos, Include pictures and videos in high quality. Make sure images and videos have the ideal brightness and focus levels. This will make the portfolio even more attractive to the recruiter who sees it.

6. Always Update Your Portfolio

If you have successfully compiled your first portfolio, make sure to always update the portfolio with your latest work. This will show that you are an active professional.

7. Ask for Suggestions and Feedback

Lastly, after you have successfully created a portfolio, you may test your portfolio on several people closest to you or those you can trust. Ask for suggestions and feedback from them. From the suggestions and feedback, you can use it to refine and improve your portfolio further.

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015


Dear my blog-reader,
Wish me luck for my OSK geo next month :"".

Jadi, alhamdulillah aku, Hind, dan Nabila (adek kelas) kepilih buat mewakili sekolah di ajang OSK GEOGRAFI tingkat kota. So, for the next few weeks, we have to prepare it well, merelakan waktu luang, waktu makan, waktu tidur, bahkan waktu mandi buat mempersiapkan ini itu :V bahkan kami harus rela ngejar mapel-mapel lain yang tertinggal dan ofcourse pelajaran kita yang buat lomba juga.
Jadi kami minta doanyaaaaaaaaaaa. Semoga diberi yang terbaik ( TIGA TIGANYA MASUK PROVINSI) amiiiiin :D

ini aku sama Hind pas lagi waktu senggang, sempat foto di LRC:D

Bismillah :)

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

re- hello

its been about 3 years not visiting my blogger. no time haha. I just read all the entries that I posted a while ago, and I laughed hard hahahaha. My language was really awkful. Alay cakkkk! It reminds me that I left my blog for a reaaallllyyyy long time.
It because I am lazy enough to write. And yup! Have you known that I entered a boarding school?Its f-ing hard to open the internet hereeeee!!!!!

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

iPod Touch

I am in love with those iPod Touch. As a music lover, this iPod just stole my heart. Warnanya keren,fiturnya oke,bisa buat internetan, dan satu lagi, kameranya jernih. Biasa lah yaa,gue kan agak narsis gimana gitu Gue suka sama yang warnanya putih :*


Aku mau posting random aja yaa.
Aku mau posting tentang Burberry. Salah satu merek fashion ternama. Pasti udah banyak yang tau deh. Aku bukan pecinta dunia fashion,tapi aku suka ngamatin yang berhubungan dengan fashion. Dan Burberry adalah merek fashion favoritku walaupun ngga punya barangnya *eh

Aku pertama kali tertarik sama barang-barangnya Burberry pas Emma Watson kakak aku jadi model nya


Nah,yang diatas itu Harry Styles (paling kanan) pas di salah satu fashion show Burberry.aww :*

Inner Beauty


Bagi seorang wanita,kecantikan adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat penting. Dan wajah cantik menawan adalah idaman setiap wanita. Kecantikan adalah sebuah anugrah yang diberikan Allah kepada wanita. Tidak sedikit wanita yang rela menguras dompet hanya untuk kecantikan :)Namun, tahukah kita seberapa pentingnya inner beauty?? sebelumnya,apa itu inner beauty?

Inner beauty adalah sebutan lain dari kata 'kecantikan dari dalam'. Nah,kecantikan dari dalam itu apa ya? pasti udah pada tau. Kecantikan dari dalam itu adalah kecantikan yang terpancar dari dalam hati kita,perilaku kita,dan apa yang kita lakukan sehari-hari