Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

iFocus :D

I am busy right now.. I have to focus in four programs now. I have to take a mid exam this week,Siswa Berprestasi selection,Story Telling competition,and preparing my final test in my english course. Of course Its make me dizzy sometimes. But I have to do the best in these four programs. I must focus :D
 and I believe I can receive it by do the best and pray to Allah. I believe Allah will give me the best in every way :D

Life :)

                 Hello everyone. I wanna post something here. Actually, I dunno what will I post. I just wanna write what I am thinking of now.
                 Everyday, I realize that I have a beautiful life. Family,friends,and people around me always love me. They always help me when I need a help. And because of them, I can through this life. They create a spirit in my life. I dunno how  if Allah wasn't give their love to me.

Well, mau curhat nih..
                 I dunno,Sometimes, when I see someone wears something luxury or has something expensive and beautiful, I think why dont I get them?? Why dont I have something like them?? Why dont my parents buy those item for me just like them?? I envy them. They get everything they need.
                 But, I think the right question for me is "Why dont you see another people who are less fortunate than you??'' Yeaa, I was wrong. I was so wrong. I always see another people who are more fortunate than mee. It was really wrong. I wasnt thankful to Allah. Astaghfirullahal adzim. I didnt realize that Allah has given me everything I need in my life. He give me free breath, heart beats, and everything.
                 I realize that if we are looking at people above us,we never be grateful to Allah. We never satisfied on what Allah has given to us. When my parents took me somewhere, I found a lot of children sold newspaper on the edge of the street. I realize that HOW LUCKY I AM !!! I dont have to sell something to make a living. My parents give me what I need .So, I started to love and be grateful in my life. :)

*sorry kalo postingannya aneh. I just wrote what I am thinking of.
Te amo <3

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

What Makes You Beautiful

What Makes You Beautiful 
by: One Direction

[Verse 1]
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

[Verse 2]
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]

[Middle 8]
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful ([Zayn:] Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately ([Zayn:] Desperately),
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful

naaaaaa.... I love this song :)

Trip to Malay Day 4 ( thelastdayofthetrip )

Okey every1, here is the last part :)
                  Dihari ke 4,kami bakalan pergi ke Malaka. Aku udah gak sabar pengin pulang. Soalnya,BSOK nya aku udah sekolah. Jadi nih ceritanya,kami ke Malaka trus ke singapore,lalu ke Batam deh
                  Gak ada yg istimewa sih di hari ini,cuma pas di Harbor Front, it was soooooooo crowded. nggak kbayang deh.. pokoknya kami sampai rumah jam 11 malem gitu lah.. :D

okeh, segitu aja cerita tentang trip aku ke Malaysia. oh iya,maaf beribu-ribu maaf,aku nggak bisa nge post fotonya. karena..karena.. umm, karena PHOTONYA ILANG SEMUAAAAAA.... pas itu ada masalah sama kameranya.. :''( aku ngga terima :(((( aku udh berusaha ngehibur diri aku tapi aku masih ngga rela kalo photonya ilang :((( yaudah deh.. mau gimana lagi.

------- THE END ----

*sorry,sad ending :(

Trip to Malay Day 3 (thebestdayofthetrip)

well, I have to post the next part,rite??

                  Okey every1. Dihari ketiga,ibu aku nggak bisa ikutan trip. Karena adik aku nggak enak badan. Jadi,ibu aku stay in hotel. Jadi,cuma aku dan adikku yg satunya lagi yg ikutan.
                  Jadi, kami (me and my sist1 ) bakalan pergi ke Istana Negara Malaysia,China Town,dan Sunway Lagoon. Excited???? yes,right. Walaupun nggak ada ibu aku,ttep smangat dong :D. Jadi,kami tuh ngunjungin istana negara nya Malaysia. Bangunnanya ituh kyak Masjid gitu. Then, we took some photos there :)
                  After that, we went to China Town nya Malaysia. Aku ngga terlalu suka disana.banyak orang china *yaiyalah. aku nggak enjoy karena disana tuh panas banget.. nggak nahan panasnya.. Jadi,stelah dari sana,kami pergi ke Sunway Lagoon. sebelumnya aku ngga tau itu apaan. Jadi,aku ngga terlalu semangat. Aku ngantuk banget di bis. Tapi,setelah sampai di Sunway,kami pun mulai bersemangat. Rupanya, Sunway itu ada Hotel,Mall,dan Water Park nya. Aku ngga mau renang,jadi aku jlan2 aja ke Mall. Ngga niat belanja,niatnya mau jalan-jalan aja. Tapi setelah tiba di Mall nya, dua mataku langsung tertarik ke lantai dasar mall nya yg rupanya ada lapangan Ice Skating nya. I WAS REALLY EXCITED.
                 Awalnya,aku nanya-nanya aja sama tante-tante yg ikut rombonganku tentang harga maen Ice Skating nya. Eh,rupanya tante nya nge jawab gini : '' Adek mau main?? main aja nggak papa. mumpung disini loh.. Di Batam nggak ada kan?? ''
                   Emang iya sih. Di Batam udh lama nggak ada kyak gini. Akhirnya aku dan adik aku nyobain deh tuh Ice Skating. Sepatunya harus pake spatu yang kusus es *yaiyalah emang mau pke sendal jepit??. Dan,did u know? sepatu aku itu sempiiiiiiitttttt  banget. dan makai nya itu pegelnya Na'udzubillah. Dan satu lagi,karena kebiasaan di sekolah ngiket tali sepatunya nggak benar,aku dicegat 3 kali gara-gara tuh tali sepatu. Malah oom-oom nya ngomong pake bahasa melayu lagii.. " hei,ketatkan kasut!'' kata oom nya. untung aku sering ikutan nonton Upin&Ipin. Jadi taulah artinya.
                    Setelah bener-bener betul masang tali sepatu,aku dan adikku pun masuk ke arena. WOW!! LICIIINN.. karena baru pertama kali main,aku udah jatuh sampe 6 kali kyaknya. dan es nya itu basah. Jadi baju aku basah juga. setelah 1 jam an,kami pun mulai lancar main. Nah, kami main di situ sekitar 3 jam an. Habis itu kami harus kembali
                   Nah,pas udah di lobby hotel nya, aku ngliat banyak banget cwek2 yg pake selempang dengan nama negaranya. Kyak Miss Universe gitu. Trus,aku photo deh sama orang Costa Rica. She is beautiful :D
Setelah kutanya,ternyata itu adalah ajang Miss Tourism 2011 yg diselenggarakan di Sunway,Malaysia.
                  Habis itu,kami balek ke hotel yg di KL. Ada ibu aku disana. Nah, it was 31st of December. It meant the last day of the 2011 year. yea,it was ma first time to feel new year's eve in the other country. Nah,pas malam-malam,aku sama keluarga aku jlan-jalan keluar hotel. Dan itu rame banget.. We bought some foods and went back to the hotel. oh yeah,i bought durian there :D . Pas malem2 dari jendela hotel aku,aku ngliat kembang api di atas Menara Petronas. Sungguh indah :)

Thank u. keep read the last day of the trip :D

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Trip to Malay Day 2

Everybody,lets continue the story.
                 Pagi2 sekali,kami lagsung turun untuk sarapan. Laper itu pasti dong! Disana, kami makan deh.. untung aja kami datang cepet. Soalnya banyak banget yang ngantri..
                 After that, kami seru-seruan deh di Genting. Nyoba2 permainan disana. Tapi,nggaenaknya kami cuma nyoba yg indoor. Jadi kurang extreme gituh.. Tapi ya serulah. Disana banak miniatur miniatur gedung di dunia. Kayak Big Ben,Eiffell tower, trus ada Venice!! Kami nyoba naek kapal-kapalan yg di Venice loh!! agak malu sih diliatin orang. Tapi no problem. I was so happy.
                Sayangnya, Snow City yang disana lagi ada perbaikan. jadi,yaudahlah. Padahal akuu maauuuuuu...
Trus aku sama adik aku nyobain roller coaster yg indoor. Lumayan ngeri sih. Serasa mau nabrak miniatur Big Ben. It was so fantastic!
                Setelah puas maen,kami pun back to hotel dan istirahat same jam 11. siap itu kami akan pergi ke KL!!  Kuala Lumpur is a wonderful city. And  i was so excited to visit it.
                Untuk ke KL,kami harus naek Cable Car yg musingin itu,sma naek bis di lereng2 lagi!! But, it was okey.. :D Tujuan kami sih mau ke Batu Cave dulu.
                Batu Cave itu adalah tempat patung orang Hindu terbesar di Malaysia. Disana seru sih.. banyaaakkk banget burung dara. Banyak orang barat juga disana.. Tapi,pikiran aku trus tertuju pada KL!! I took some photos there..
                Setelah meninggalkan Batu Cave,kami menuju KL!! aku nikmatin banget perjalanan nya.. Perlahan lahan, Twin Tower pun terlihat. Bus kami pun berhenti di suatu tempat buat foto2 yg background nya Petronas. Aku suka banget disitu. Kota2 nya rapih. Mungkin gak jauh beada sama Jakarta yak??
                Nah,trus kami pergi ke SURIA KLCC. itu Mall besar gitu deh. Disana terpampang semua merek2 ternama kayak Dior,Burberry,Calvin Klein,dan masiiiiih banyak lagi. Tapi aku lagi gak mood buat belanja. Jadi kami semua cuma jalan2 and beli sedikit coklat. Trus ibu aku ke tempat2 jual kerudung. Tapi aku males ikutan. jadi aku nunggu di deket eskalator sambil ngliat bule-bule -__-.
                Setelah puas ke Suria KLCC, kami pergi ke bus sambil nunggu rombongan lain. Di bus,aku muter lagunya One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful. Trus tiba-tiba ada bule lewat yang mirip CODY!! -__-  aaaaaa aku rada histeris. Jangan-jangan itu Cody -__- *gakmungkin . Cakep? cakep lah. Dia itu mirip Cody. Gak jauh beda lah..
                 After that, bus kami pergi ke hotel.. Yak,kami melepas lelah sejenak dan besok bisa pergi jalan2 lagiii..
whats next?? ---> keep reading